In April 2018, Theatre for a Change traveled to Bangkok, Thailand and delivered a one-week leadership and facilitation skills training to a group of 19 local activists working with key HIV-affected groups in their community.

These groups include women in sex work, migrants, people living with HIV and AIDS, people who use drugs, women who have experienced abortion, men who have sex with men, and transgender people.

The 19 activists came from the following organisations:

  • Planned Parenthood Association of Thailand (PPAT)
  • Raks Thai Foundation
  • Help Without Frontiers
  • Asia Pacific Transgender Network (APTN)
  • Ozone Drop-in Centre
  • Asia Pacific Coalition of Male Sexual Health (APCOM)
  • International Community of Women Living with HIV in the Asia Pacific Region (ICWAP)
  • YouthLEAD
  • Tam Tang

The objectives of the training were:

  • To develop an awareness of equal participation within the group
  • To explore the differences between assertive, attacking and avoiding behaviours
  • To build the group’s capacity to support their participants in devising short performances based on their own experiences of injustice and rights abuse – and to share these performances with an audience of power holders in their community
  • To develop the group’s ability to reflect on and critically analyse their own work and participation in the group

The training was delivered in partnership with the Asia Pacific Alliance for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights.

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I now realise that being a good leader means talking less and listening more, which I have been doing the other way around most of the time.

Training Participant